Work Pass Application

A company that is planning to hire or relocate its foreign employee to Singapore, must get the approval from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The company can submit the application via Employment Pass Online (EPOL) or Work Permit Online (WPOL). Alternatively, the company can also engage the professional service such as an Employment Agency to handle the end to end process. Generally, there are 3 common types of work passes:

However, prior to the application of a work pass, the company and the potential employee should access whether they have met the relevant work pass prerequisite conditions. MOM will reject the application if it does not meet any of the requirements. Some of the conditions are as follows:

  • Having a certain number of local employees in the company
  • Company business activities
  • The credential of the foreign employee
  • Remuneration of the foreign employee

Getting the work pass being approved by MOM is not always a straightforward process. Most of the time, it required an understanding of the various factors that may potentially affect the approval of the work pass.

Company Filing Pte Ltd has years of experience in the work pass application and has helped numerous companies and employees to get a work pass approved. Hiring is already a tough task. And when a valuable foreign employee is within your grasp, the last thing you want is to have the work pass rejected.


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